This programme is designed to bring standardisation to the delivery of training for Bricklaying. It will
ensure that the full range of underpinning job knowledge is covered, and learned, during training - not
just sufficient to enable trainees to answer a series of preset questions.
It should be delivered at the same time as the Foundation GNVQ Construction and the Built Environment.
The programme is designed to complement the work of an average trainee who will receive good site
experience. Recognising the possibility that the full range of work may not be covered by employers, the
identification of areas of work and skills not addressed during placement have been built into the
programme; these deficiencies will then be added to the trainee's programme. The modules evaluating
the work experience periods are therefore most important.
Centres are expected to supplement the projects with modules which deal with subject areas that do
not naturally fall into realistic projects, e.g. inductions to the programme, work experience and access
equipment. Suggested module titles and their position in the training programme are shown on the
Summary Information sheet.
The programme is flexible enough to allow alteration to the order in which projects are undertaken, the
only constraining factor being the pre-requisites (given in the Training Programme - Summary
Documents contained in the package:
Training Programme-Summary Information This shows the overall sequence of the training programme.
Completing the times the trainee spends on the projects etc. will provide valuable information to help
determine training times and will assist centres in discussion of their training delivery. The programme is flexible enough to allow alteration to the order in which
projects are undertaken, the only constraining factor being any pre-requisites.
Brickwork Induction Programme
Information Sheets Modules 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9
Project Marking Sheets 1 and 3
Project Drawing Sheets 1, 2 and 3
Project Information Sheets
These contain the underpinning knowledge requirements relating to the project, where this has not
been covered in previous projects.