PROJECT TITLE Project No; 13

90˚ Block Work Return, Attached Pier and Block Indents CORE

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Bonding of Blockwork.

Bonding to Blockwork

A regular pattern should be maintained throughout a walls length, ensuring a minimum overlap of a quarter block

To establish half bond and returns a 100mm block bat should be adjacent to the return block.



Block Indents

Indents can be formed in block walls to allow for additional walls to be tied at a later stage of construction. This may be necessary to provide ease of access for working or the loading out of material.

Care must be taken to ensure maximum strength of the junction is obtained.


Ensure line of indents is vertical and the width of each indent permits two 10mm cross joints.

Where blocks are of different types it is recommended that the junction be formed by using mesh or wall ties for the junction to avoid the possibility of different shrinkage or movement within the blocks.

Blockwork – Stability.

Blockwork Piers

As with brickwork, block walls can be strengthened by the introduction of attached piers. To ease the bonding of piers it is often necessary for the blocks to be laid on their face.


Stability During Construction.

Blockwork can be erected quickly because of the size of each unit. This can cause stability problems as the weight of the wall is placed on the lower mortar joints before they have had time to set.

This can be overcome on internal walls by the use of temporary timber profiles.



Profiles should be positioned at all the returns and stop ends with additional support provided in the centre of long lengths.