S Mansoob Murshed
S Mansoob
Lecturer in
Economics; Dissertations Tutor, Computer Officer,
Equal Opportunities Officer |
Cobden Building,
Room 29 |
tel: 01274-233824; fax: 01274-235550 |
e-mail:S.M.Murshed1@bradford.ac.uk |
Dr Murshed is on sabbatical at UNU-WIDER (United
Nations University - World Institute for Development Economics
Research), in Helsinki, Finland.
During 1997 and 98 he was involved in a Leverhulme Council funded Project on The
Challenges of Asia for the West.
Field of expertise: Development Economics, International Economics and Macroeconomics.
Research focus at UNU/WIDER: Globalisation and the obstacles to the successful integration of small vulnerable economies
- Ph. D. University of Birmingham, England, 1987. Thesis title--" Analytical Models of North-South Interaction "
- M. Sc.(Econ), Economics, London School of Economics 1980
- Graduate Studies at Queen's University, Kingston, Ontario, Canada, 1981-83
- B.Sc.(Econ), Economics, London School of Economics (University of London), 1979
- Foreign and Commonwealth Office (UK) Scholarship, 1984-86.
- Ashley Prize for the best Ph.D.thesis, University of Birmingham, 1988.
- British Academy Award, 1988.
- Joint Leverhulme Grant holder, 1997-98:Growth, Innovation and Competitiveness, the Challenge of Asia for the West
- Research Fellow, WIDER.
- Lecturer, Department of European Studies, University of Bradford, 1994-
- Senior Research Officer, Northern Ireland Economic Research Centre, Belfast, 1993-94
- Lecturer in Economics, University of Surrey, 1989-93.
- Lecturer in Economics, University of Birmingham, 1986-89.
- UNDP (United Nations Development Programme) Consultant on Trade Policy in Bangladesh, 1989.
- UNDP Consultant on Tariff Policy in Bangladesh, 1990.
- UNDP Consultant on the South Asian Preferential Trade Agreement (SAPTA), Implications for Bangladesh, 1993
- Independent Consultant engaged by the European Union to evaluate the Adarsha Gram (Model Village) Project in Bangladesh. Ministry of Land, Government of Bangladesh, 1997.
Research visits & collaboration
- Stockholm International Peace Research Institute (SIPRI), 1989. I worked on Defence Economics and Conversion (converting military capacity to civilian use).
- University of Vienna, Austria, 1992. This allowed the completion of my jointly authored book (with Kunibert Raffer), as well as seminar presentations.
- University of California-Riverside, 1993 for a variety of seminar presentations and discussions of research.
- Links with the London Business School (LBS) and the University of Surrey. This was part of the project on trade with developing countries and its relationship with labour markets in developed nations, funded by a grant from the Leverhulme Trust, in which I am a named member.
Advice to government & international agencies
- My work on the two Irish economies, under the auspices of the International Fund for Ireland (IFI), provided the basis for policy advice, particularly to the Northern Ireland Civil Service but also to government agencies in the Republic of Ireland.
- I also acted as a reviewer of the policy recommendations on the global environment to the Intergovernmental Panel on Climatic Change (IPCC) under the aegis of the United Nations in 1994.
Media activities
- I was frequently interviewed on BBC Radio Surrey on a variety of economic issues, ranging from commenting on OECD country study releases to changes in major macroeconomic indicators.
- My work on the two Irish economies led to widespread media coverage in November 1993. These included radio and television interviews, as well as coverage in the Guardian newspaper (February 1994) of the team's work on the two Irish economies.
Authored books
- Economic Aspects of North-South Interaction: Analytical Macroeconomic Issues, London, Academic Press, October 1992, ISBN: 0-12-512070-2, pp 203.
- Macroeconomics for Open Economies, London, Dryden Press, August 1997, ISBN: 0-03-099016-6, pp 210.
Edited book
Papers in refereed journals
- Inflation and Macroeconomic Adjustments in a North-South Model (with Somnath Sen), Greek Economic Review, 11, pp 95-118, 1989
- Some Aspects of Tariff Reform: The Case of Bangladesh with Special Reference to Chemicals and Allied Products, Asian Affairs, 11, no.2, pp 25-42, 1989
- Aspects of Commercial and External Policies in Bangladesh, Asian Affairs, 11, no.4, pp 5-36, 1989
- Unequal Exchange and North-South Unemployment, Journal für Entwicklungs Politik,(JEP), 6, no.4, pp 45-60, 1990
- Tariff Policy Reforms in Bangladesh, Development Review, 3 (1), pp 67-86, 1991
- Macro-Commercial Policy Revisited--A Global North-South Analysis, Greek Economic Review, 13, pp 51-70, 1991
- Comparing Quotas with VERs: A Three Region North-South-NICs Macroeconomic Analysis, Open Economies Review, 3 (3), pp 255-270, 1992
- The Impact of East-West Interaction on North-South Interaction, Journal of International Development, 5 (2), pp 171-181, 1993
- Commercial and Monetary Policy in a North-South Macroeconomic Model: Tariffs and VERs Compared, Australian Economic Papers, 31 (2), pp 414-426, 1993
- International Dimensions of Environmental Issues: A North-South Perspective, Sustainable Development, 1, (3), pp 64-75, 1993
- North-South Economic Interaction and the Environment, Asia-Pacific Journal of Rural Development, 3 (2), pp 41-53, 1994
- Towards a South Asian Trade Bloc, Asian Affairs, 15 (1), pp 36-60, 1994
- Import Quotas or VERs to Protect Domestic Industry? A Three Country General Equilibrium Model (with D. G. Dickinson), Japan and The World Economy, 6 (3), pp 285-307, 1994
- The Macroeconomic Role of Converting Military Capacity to Civilian Use in a Two Sector Model of an Economy in Transition, Structural Change and Economic Dynamics, 5 (1), pp 25-40, 1994
- Aid Conditionality and Military Expenditure Reduction in Developing Countries: Models of Asymmetric Information (with S Sen), Economic Journal, 105 (429), pp 498-509, 1995
- Models of North-South Interaction: Survey and Synthesis, Asian Affairs, 1995, 16(3), pp 29-52, 1995.
- Adverse Selection and Moral Hazard in Government Grant Giving, Economic and Social Review , 26 (1), pp 75-87, 1995
- Tradeable Permits in Greenhouse Gases: A Global North-South Macroeconomic Analysis, Seoul Journal of Economics, 8(3), pp 347-65, 1995.
- The Quality and Pattern of Intra-Industry Trade Between the Geographically Proximate Regions of Northern-Southern Ireland and Southern Ireland-Great Britain (with D Noonan), Forthcoming, Economic and Social Review, 27 (3), pp 187-203, 1996.
- The Factors that Disadvantage Unskilled Workers in The North: Trade with the South or Technical Progress, Journal für Entwicklungs Politik,(JEP), 13 (2), pp 213-223, 1997.
- Macroeconomic Effects of a VER in a Two Country Monetary Model (with Somnath Sen), forthcoming, Greek Economic Review.
- Globalisation: A New-Growth New-Trade Perspective (with M Chui, P Levine and J Pearlman), Economic Outlook, 22 (2), February 1998, pp 16-25.
- An Appraisal of the Adarsha Gram Project in Bangladesh (with Syed Marghub Murshed), Asia-Pacific Journal of Rural Development, 8(1), pp 49-70, 1998.
Papers in edited volumes
- Stabilization Policy, Commercial Policy and Debt in a North-South Framework, in G. Bird (ed), The International Financial Regime, Academic Press, pp 67-90, 1990
- Devaluation, Demand and Supply Disturbances in a Macroeconomic Model of a Mineral Exporting LDC (with J.L.Ford and J. Maharaj), in Current Issues in Open Economy Macroeconomics: Paradoxes, Policies and Problems, J.L.Ford (ed), Edward Elgar, pp 152-183, 1990
- A Macroeconomic Model of East-West Interaction, Trade, Technology, Economic Welfare, Government Policies and Perestroika(with J.L.Ford), in J.L.Ford (ed) op. cit. pp 184-217, 1990
- The Economics of Perestroika,in G and H Bird (eds) Contemporary Issues in Applied Economics, Edward Elgar, pp 269-279, 1991
- Inflation and Macroeconomic Adjustments in a North-South Model (with Somnath Sen), in A.S. Courakis and M.P. Taylor (eds), Private Behaviour and Government Policy in Interdependent Economies, Oxford University Press, pp 258-281, 1991
- Reforming the Soviet Economy: The Macroeconomics of Perestroika and Military Conversion in G. Bird (ed) Economic Reform in Eastern Europe, Edward Elgar, pp 46-60, 1992
- North-South Interaction: Retrospect and Prospect in G. Bird (ed), International Aspects of Economic Development, Academic Press, pp 101-123, 1992
- Double Moral Hazard, Buy-Backs and the Debt Crisis, in D.G. Dickinson, M.J. Driscoll and S.Sen (eds) Risk and Uncertainty in Economics: Essays in the Honour of J.L. Ford, Edward Elgar, pp 164-77, 1993
- Introduction(with K Raffer) to Trade, Transfers and Development: Problems and Prospects for the 21st Century, Edward Elgar, pp 1-6, 1993
- The Environment and North-South Interaction, in S.M.Murshed and K.Raffer (eds), Trade,Transfers and Development: Problems and Prospects for the 21st Century, Edward Elgar, pp 34-49, 1993
- International Debt, Terms of Trade Volatility and North-South Relations (with S Sen) in A K Banerjee (ed) Economic Theory Trade and Quantitative Economics: Essays in the honour of P N Roy, University of Calcutta, pp 216-239, 1996.
- Does Trade with the South Disadvantage Unskilled Workers in the North? in S D Gupta (ed), The Political Economy of Globalization, Kluwer Academic Press, pp 129-146, 1996.
- Development in the Light of Recent Debates about Development Theory, forthcoming, in A Tausch and P M Zulehner (eds), Global Capitalism, Liberation Theology and the Social Sciences: An analysis of the Structures of Dependency at the Turn of the Millenium.
Refereed research report
Growth and Development in the Two Economies of Ireland,(with D Noonan, R Thanki, S Roper and G Gudgin) N.I.E.R.C. November 1993
Book reviews
Dutt, A. K.,` Growth Distribution and Uneven Development', Economic Journal, 101, pp 1307-1309, 1991,
Mainwaring, L.,` Dynamics of Uneven Development', Economic Journal, 102, pp 663-665, 1992
Bevan, D.; Collier, P.; Gunning, J.W.; Bigsten, A.; and Horsnell, P.;`Controlled Open Economies', Economic Journal, 102, pp 1257-1258, 1992
Dixon, C and Drakakis-Smith, D., `Economic and Social Development in Pacific Asia', Sustainable Development, 3 (2), pp 105-106, 1995.
Page, S, `How Developing Countries Trade: The Institutional Constraints', Economic Journal, November 1996.
Patanaik, P, `Accumulation and Stability under Capitalism, Economic Journal, 108 (July), pp 1214-15.
Conference papers
ESRC Money Study Group's Annual Conference at Brasenose College, Oxford, September 1987, paper no. A.1
The Econometric Society's European Meeting, Bologna, Italy, September 1988, Northern Monetary Policy and the Southern Debt Crisis (with S Sen)
Development Studies Association(DSA) Conference, Birmingham, September, 1988, paper no. A.6
The Applied Econometrics Association's 25th International Conference, World Bank, Washington D.C. October 1988, Northern Monetary Policy and the Southern Debt Crisis (with S Sen)
The Econometric Society's European Meeting, Munich, Germany, September 1989, North-South-East: A Three Region Model of Global Interaction
University of Surrey Conference on the International Financial Regime, September 1989, paper no. B.1
University of Surrey Conference on East European Economies, February 1991, paper no. B.6
East European Economies Conference, University of Warwick, July 1991, paper no. A.14
Conference on International Aspects of Economic Development, University of Surrey, September 1991, paper no. B.7
ESRC Development Economics Study Group's Annual Conference, University of Leicester, March 1992, paper no. A.8
Irish Economics Association's Annual Conference, Galway, May 1993, paper no. A 21.
8th Annual Congress of the European Economics Association, Helsinki, Finland, August 1993, paper no. A 21.
International Fund for Ireland (IFI) Joint Conference on the Two Economies of Ireland, Belfast, November 1993, Growth and Development in the Two economies of Ireland
Allied Social Sciences/American Economics Association Conference, Boston, Mass. January 1994, paper no. A.15
Royal Economic Society's 1994 Annual Conference, Exeter, March 1994, paper no. A.15 16. Irish Economic Association's Annual Conference, Carrickmacross, May 1994, paper no. A.16
17. ESRC Development Economics Study Group's Annual Conference, University of Leicester, March 1995, North-South Trade and Unemployment of Unskilled Workers in the North
18. ESRC International Economics Study Group's Easter Conference, University of Manchester, April 1995, Short and Long-Run Effects of VER Type Trade Policy in the Presence of Debt Servicing
19. Irish Economic Association's Annual Conference, Ballyconnell, May 1995, North-South Trade and Unemployment of Unskilled Workers in the North
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Last updated, modified and extended by Tony Hargreaves on 12/7/99
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