Claudio Radaelli
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Claudio Radaelli is a political scientist currently engaged in four partly interdependent research areas: the policies of the European Union, the politics of tax globalisation, the theory of the policy process, and Italian public policy. His previous research experience covers such areas as Italian politics, comparative public policy, public administration, comparative political culture, political business cycles, and electoral behaviour.
He holds two research grants for 1996-1998. Research on the political aspects of international tax policy is funded by a ESRC grant, whilst a grant from Nuffield Foundation funds research on Italian think tanks and the politics of expertise. In the past he was been the recipient of a grant from the British Council for a short fellowship at the International Bureau of Fiscal Documentation (Amsterdam, 1996) and the holder of a Human Capital Mobility Fellowship (University of Warwick 1993). In 1998 he is Jean Monnet Fellow at the European University Institute (Florence).
He is member of European Community Studies Association, Political Studies Association, American Political Science Association, UK Evaluation Society, International Fiscal Association, and Societa’ Italiana di Scienza Politica.
C.Radaelli's working papers for the European University Institute - the Robert
Schuman Centre,
are available at:
Technocracy and the European policy process, London: Longman, 1999.
The Politics of Corporate Taxation in the European Union, London, Routledge, 1997.
'Policy Transfer in the European Union: Institutional isomorphism as a source of legitimacy', Governance accepted for publication, January 2000.
'Narrative and the cognitive dynamics of EU policy', article commissioned by Revue Francaise de Science Politique, December 1999.
'Networks of expertise and policy change in Italy', South European Society and Politics, vol.3, no.2 December 1998, 1-22.
'Taxation as Politics', in M. Lamb and A. Lymer (Eds) Interdisciplinary Research in Taxation, London: ICAEW, 1999.
'EU business taxation: fighting for competitiveness or combating tax competition?' To appear in T. Lawton (ed) European Industrial Policy and Competitiveness: Concepts and Instruments, London, MacMillan, 1999.
'Game theory and institutional entrepreneurship', Policy Studies Journal, vol.26, no.4 Winter 1998, 603-619.
(With Alberto M. Martini) 'Italy: from think tanks to policy networks', in D. Stone, A. Denham and M. Garnett (eds) Think Tanks Across the World, Manchester: Manchester University Press, 1998.
(With Alberto Martini) 'Politica e cultura: le think tanks' (politics and culture: the think tanks) Biblioteca delle Liberta', no146, 1998,55-76. (this is an Italian translation of my co-authored chapter in Stone et al. Described above).
(With Alison Harcourt) 'Limits to technocratic regulation in the European Union', European Journal of Political Research 35,1, (January) 1999, 107-122.
(With Marcello Bruni) 'Sitting at the table of CharleMagne's Europe: A sub-national examination of Italy within EMU' Regional and Federal Studies, vol.8, no.2, 1998, 34-51.
Entries: 'Taxes' and 'European Union' in Gino Moliterno (ed) Encyclopedia of Contemporary Italian Studies, London, Routledge, 1999.
'La dimensione cognitiva delle politiche pubbliche dell'Unione Europea: una prospettiva teorica' (Cognitive aspects of EU public policy: a theoretical investigation) Rivista Italiana di Scienza Poilitica, 3, September 1999.
'Creating the International Tax Order: Transfer Pricing and the Search for Coordination in International Tax Policy', Robert Schuman Centre - European University Institute Policy Paper Series, 1998.
'Policy Narratives in the European Union', Robert Schuman Centre - European University Institute Working Paper, September 1998.
'Governing EU regulation: the challenges ahead', Robert Schuman Centre - European University Institute Policy Paper, June 1998.
'Come si costruisce la legittimita' delle politiche pubbliche dell'Unione Europea' (How is EU Policy Legitimacy Produced?), Stato e Mercato 2-1998, 203-229.
'Semplificare la regolazione dell'Unione Europea' (Simplifying EU Regulation), in S. Cassese and G. Galli (1998) (eds) L'Italia da semplificare, Bologna, Il Mulino, 1998, 113-159.
(With Francesco Silva), 'Le parole chiave della regolazione' (The key-words of regulation), in A. Boitiani, A. Forti and F. Silva (eds) Competitivita' e Regolazione, Bologna, Il Mulino (in Italian), 1998, 137-173.
'How Does Europeanization Produce Policy Change?', Comparative Political Studies, vol.30, no.5, 553-575, October 1997.
'Une Europeisation de l'imposition des societes?, Politiques et Management Public, 15, 3, September, 79-105.
'Fiscal Federalism as Catalyst of Policy Development? In Search of a Framework for EU Direct Corporate Taxation', Journal of European Public Policy, vol.3, no.3, 1996, 402-420.
Entries 'Efficienza', 'Efficacia', 'Valutazione' (Efficiency, Effectiveness, Evaluation), in G. Capano e M. Giuliani (eds) Dizionario di Analisi delle Politiche Pubbliche, NIS, 1996.
(With Bruno Dente) 'Evaluation Strategies and the Analysis of the Policy Process', Evaluation, vol.2, no.1, 1996, 51-66.
'Harmonising What, Why, and to What effect? The Politics of Problem Definition in EU Direct Corporate Tax Harmonisation', in I. Hampsher-Monk and J. Stanyer (eds) Contemporary Political Studies, Vol.II, Political Studies Association, 1996, 751-760.
'Governing Regulation: The OECD Experience Evaluated', in Nomisma, Assessing the Cost and Benefits of Regulation, Bologna, 1996 (in Italian).
'Corporate Direct Taxation in the EU: Explaining the Policy Process', Journal of Public Policy, vol.15, no.2, 1995, 43-71.
The Role of Knowledge in the Policy Process', Journal of European Public Policy, vol.2, no.2, June 1995, 159-183.
'Knowledge and the Internationalisation of Policy Agendas: Harmonising Direct Taxation in the European Union', EPPI Occasional Papers, University of Warwick, no.2, 1995.
(With Bruno Dente) 'Valutazione e scienza politica: un dialogo possibile' (Policy Evaluation and Political Science: A Feasible Dialogue), in G. Regonini (ed), Politiche Pubbliche e Democrazia, Naples: ESI, 1995, 147-185.
'Il mercato elettorale instabile: la circoscrizione Milano-Pavia' (The Unstable Electoral Market), in G. Pasquino (ed) Votare un solo candidato, Bologna, Il Mulino, 1993, 81-132.
'Il Comitato Metropolitano Milanese: 1988-1992', Il Nuovo Governo Locale, n.3, 1993, 23-61.
'Il controllo politico dell'economia: gli studi sul ciclo economico-politico' (Political Control of the Economy: The Political Business Cycle Literature), Rivista Italiana di Scienza Politica, no.2, 1991 315-341.
'Cultura industriale e politiche economiche' (Industrial Culture and Economic Policy), in Confalonieri, Guidorossi, Radaelli, Weber: Governo e cittadini, (in Italian) Franco Angeli, Milano, 1989, 15-65.
'Europeanism, Italian Way', Relazioni Internazionali, vol.53, no.4,1988, 92-98, in Italian and English.
(With Giacomo Sani) 'Preference Voting: Before and After the 1991 Referendum', in Italian Politics and Society Newsletter, n.38, Winter, December 1992.
'La valutazione delle politiche pubbliche: metodologia e cultura di un approccio di ricerca' (Public Policy Evaluation: Methodology and Culture of the Approach), Censis Note & Commenti, (in Italian) 1991, 26-38.
'Scenari delle relazioni industriali' (Scenarios of Industrial Relations), Sviluppo & Organizzazione , no.133, 1992, 77-88.
'La Comunita' degli Affari (The Business Community)', Sviluppo & Organizzazione, no.125, 1991, 27-39.
'La Pubblica Amministrazione: dalla parte delle esigenze della societa' e dell'economia ' (Public Administration: Towards the Needs of the Society and the Economy), Formazione Domani, June 1991.
'Burocrazia e flessibilita: il governo del pubblico impiego e la mobilita inter-amministrativa' (Bureaucracy and Flexibility: Governing the Public Sector through Administrative Mobility), Impresa e Stato, no. 10-1990.
'Quando la democrazia entra in azienda: a proposito di Robert Dahl' (When Democracy Enters the Firm: Thoughts on Robert Dahl), Modernizzazione e Sviluppo, no.2, Dec. 1990.
'Cittadini, costituzione, riforme istituzionali: indicazioni da un sondaggio' (The Citizen, the Constitution and Institutional Reforms: Insights from a Survey), Quaderni del Centro Studi e Ricerche di Politica Comparata", Universita' L. Bocconi, Milano, 1989.
'Le riforme che noi vogliamo: i comuni italiani e le riforme istituzionali delle autonomie locali' (The Reforms we Want: Italian Municipalities and the Institutional Reforms of Local Government), Appunti di cultura e politica, no.10-1989, 10-16.
Research and Papers delivered to scientific meetings:
"The Public Policy of the EU: Whither Politics of Expertise", paper delivered to the UACES
workshop on Theoretical Approaches to the EU, Aston University, 7-8 may 1999.
"Whither Tax Coordination?", paper delivered to the 1st conference on
Globalization, Georgia Tech University, Atlanta, Georgia, March 1999.
"Le politiche fiscali dell'Unione Europea", paper prepared for the Annual Conference of the
Italian Political Science Association, Milan, June 1998.
"Policy Narratives in the European Union", paper delivered to the Luncheon
Seminar Series of the Robert Schuman Centre - European University Institute, Florence,
19 May 1998.
"The Tax Policy of the EU: A Political Perspective" paper delivered to the
CEPS meeting on the emerging tax policy of the EU, Brussels, May 1998.
"Where does Power Come From? The Narrative of Tax Competition in the European
Union", Paper delivered to the Joint Sessions of Workshops of the ECPR, University of
Warwick, 23-28 March 1998.
"Policy Transfer in the European Union", paper prepared for the
International Conference on Policy Transfer, University of Birmingham, October 1996.
The same paper has been presented to the 5th ECSA biennial conference, Seattle, May 1997.
"Italian Think Tanks, Advocacy Coalitions and Policy Change", paper
delivered to the annual meeting of the PSA Association, Belfast, 7-10 April 1997.
"Entropy or Institutionalisation? The Rough Road to Multi-Level Governance in Tax
Policy", paper delivered to the Joint Sessions of Workshops of the ECPR, Bern, 27
February- 4 March 1997.
"A Europeanization of Corporate Taxation?", Paper Prepared for the 8th
International Conference Promoted by the Journal Politiques et Management Public, Paris,
June 1996.
"Fiscal Federalism in the European Union?", Paper prepared for the Tenth
Conference of Europeanists, Chicago, March 1996.
"Private interests, domestic tax policy and the international tax order: The
international consequences of American corporate tax policies", Paper prepared for
the ICAEW (Institute of Chartered Accountants of England and Wales)-Sponsored Tax Workshop,
University of Warwick, May 1996.
"Governing Regulation: The International Experience So Far", Consultative
paper (in Italian) prepared for the Italian Government (funding: Ministero della Funzione
Pubblica), Rome, June 1996.
Bruno Dente, Claudio Radaelli "Valutazione e analisi delle politiche pubbliche: appunti
di teoria e metodo", Paper delivered to the Italian Political Science Association Congress,
Siena, June 1993. An English version was delivered to the 14th Congress of the Canadian
Evaluation Society, Québec City, 23-26 May 1994.
'Domande sociali e gerarchizzazione dei diritti', Paper delivered to the "Forum dei
Difensori Civici", Consiglio Nazionale dell'Economia e del Lavoro, Rome, June 20, 1990.
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